Monthly Forums

CISNE forums are held the first Thursday of every month from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. We invite agencies, advocates and organizations throughout Monterey County to participate. CISNE empowers community members with timely, relevant information so they can advocate for immigrant families and individuals in our community. Our forums address current issues, make connections and hold agencies accountable.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom. There are no fees to join and you have no obligation to attend every forum. Please fill out our contact form to receive our emails and invitations to collaborate.

Forum Topics

Forum speakers are chosen by our committee. Topics are specific to Monterey County and our immigrant community, and include:

  • Childcare, after-school resources and youth resources

  • ESL education and services

  • Health care programs

  • Legal information and programs

  • Unemployment, Disability and Paid Family Leave programs

  • Food assistance and nutrition programs

  • Domestic violence and child abuse programs

  • Mental health programs

Forum Calendar

Past Forums

Farmworker Awareness and Mobile Health and Food Resources

Disaster Preparedness and Resources