

Monterey County offers a wide range of government and community assistance programs to help our immigrant community.

Unemployment Insurance

Payments to workers who lose their job or have hours reduced through no fault of their own. Generally not available to undocumented workers (must have legal work status). Check the Employment Development Department (EDD) at for more information orcall (800) 300-5616 for English, and (800) 326-8937 for Spanish.

Disability (SDI)

Payments to workers unable to work due to medical quarantine, non-work related injury or illness. Available to undocumented workers if you paid into SDI. Application must be certified by a medical professional, so contact your doctor to apply or visit

Paid Family Leave

Payments to people who can’t work because they are taking care of sick or quarantined family members, or to parents who need time tobond with a new child. Paid Family Leave is also available to undocumented workers if you paid into SDI. Application must be certified bya medical professional, so contact your doctor to apply or visit SDI Online.

Talk to Someone About Mental Health

California Peer-Run Warm Line is a 24/7 service that provides free nonemergency emotional support for anxiety, panic, depression, finances, and alcohol and drug use. Speak with an English or Spanish-speaking counselor at (855) 845-7415.

Free Help with Legal Issues

California Rural Legal Assistance offers free assistance with legal issues related to housing, work, education, public benefits andhealth, and more. Call (831) 757-5221.

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Help

If you feel unsafe, call the police at 911 or the YWCA at (831) 372-6300 or (831) 757-1001. You can also call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at (800) 799-7233..

Free Food from the Food Bank

The Food Bank for Monterey County distributes free food. Call (831) 758-1523 or see the calendar at

Meals Delivered to Seniors

Meals on Wheels has home-delivered meals for seniors 60 and older. For more info, call (831) 758-6325 for Salinas Valley, (831) 375-4454 for Monterey Peninsula.

Food Stamps (CalFresh)

Financial help to buy groceries. No one will be cut off from CalFresh food stamp benefits at this time. If one family member gets food stamps, it does not impact another family member’s immigration status. Call (877) 410-8823 or visit to apply.

Free Meals for Kids

Breakfast and lunch options for students. Pick-up from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm at schools throughout Monterey County. See distribution sites at

Free Meals

Dorothy’s Place serves daily breakfast from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm at 30 Soledad St. in Salinas. For more info, call (831) 757-3838.

Nutrition for Children

WIC (Women, Infants and Children) offers nutrition and breastfeeding support for pregnant women and kids up to age 5. Salinas office located at 632 E. Alisal St. For more info, call (831) 796-2888.

Childcare for Essential Workers

Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF) offers free childcare services for essential workers, including agricultural workers. Call (831) 757-0775. The YMCA is offering childcare for essential workers. Call (831) 758-3811 or visit
